The data values are grouped into so-called slices of data, each of which provides a set of values corresponding to a particular processing date. 数据值分组为所谓的数据片,每个片提供对应于特定处理日期的数据集。
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Competing Risk Mixture Model with Grouped Data 分组数据下竞争风险混合模型的极大似然估计
Iterative Bayes Analysis of the Grouped, Timing Terminated and Zero-failure Data 分组定时截尾无失效数据的迭代Bayes分析
Asymptotical efficiency of MLE with grouped data 分组数据下参数极大似然估计渐近有效性
When you have grouped data by one or more columns, you can retrieve the individual records in each grouping by using the it keyword. 按照一个或多个列对数据进行分组后,可以使用it关键字来检索每个分组中的各个记录。
Tasks were grouped with loading configuration data and executing tasks overlapping in time domain. 在使装人任务的配置数据和执行任务在时域重叠的前提下,将任务分成不同的组合。
The following example shows two listview controls that display the grouped data and the individual names of products that belong to that group. 下面的示例演示两个listview控件,二者显示分组的数据和属于该组的各个产品名称。
Set up individual account back browser public folder. From the information in this table, we can easily compute an estimate of the value of the mean of this grouped data. 根据表中的资料可以计算出这个分组资料平均数的一个估计值。
Estimation of the parameters in the generalized rayleigh distribution with grouped and right-censored data 基于数据分组与右删失情形下一般瑞利分布的参数估计
In the end, we study the bounds of Gini coefficient on grouped income data in China. 最后,结合我国城乡居民收入的分组数据,实证分析了城乡收入基尼系数的范围。
Estimating regression coefficients in linear models based on grouped data ( 2) Modeling the conversion from Lab to CMY by using mathematic theory. 分组数据下线性回归模型的参数估计(2)采用二元回归方法计算数学模型的平面方程系数并建立数学转换模型。
Parameter Estimation in Non-equal Interval Based on Grouped Data 分组数据在不等间隔检测时的参数估计
Strong convergence of turnbull estimate of survival function with grouped double censored data 分组删失数据下生存函数Turnbull估计的强收敛性
Estimation of the Parameters in G-O Model for Grouped Data 分组数据下G-O模型的参数估计
Confidence intervals for mean life based on grouped data and binary data under exponential distribution 指数分布场合下基于分组数据和双向删失数据的区间估计
A Test for Rigid Structure of the Grouped Points in High-Dimensional Data 高维纵向数据群点的刚体结构检验方法
Based on the model of Arrhenius power law, the graphical methods for analysing grouped data of constant stress accelerated reliability growth test were given. 基于Arrhenius幂律模型,给出了分析恒定应力加速可靠性增长试验分组数据的图方法。
This paper presents the analytical method of statistics of extremes for grouped data. 提出了分组失效数据极值统计分析的方法。
The Approximate Confidence Limits of Exponential Type Products Based on the Grouped Data or the Binary Data 基于定期检测数据或一次性检测数据的指数寿命型产品的可靠性的近似置信限
A Random-Discretization Based on Monte Carlo Sampling Method Applied in Grouped Data 基于MonteCarlo抽样方法的随机离散化在分组数据中的应用
Application of GIS-Based Grouped Data Logistic Model in Evaluation of Slope Stability 基于GIS的分组数据Logistic模型在斜坡稳定性评价中的应用
Statistics of the Extremes of Software Reliability based on Grouped Data 基于分组方法的软件可靠性极值数据统计分析
Research on accelerated reliability growth testing(ⅳ) Numerical methods for grouped data 论加速可靠性增长试验(Ⅳ)分组数据的数值方法
The point estimation and interval estimation of parameters under type-ⅰ censored case and the point estimation of parameters based on the missing data and grouped data are obtained, respectively. ( 2) C shape; ( 3) D shape. 定时截尾场合下参数的点估计和区间估计以及缺失数据和分组型数据埸合下参数的点估计。
So we discuss this kind of ALT: in the low stresses, we get grouped data; 因此本文考虑这样的试验:在低应力水平获得分组数据,在高应力水平获得截尾数据。
Chapter III presents the optimum test plan for k-step test when the accelerated life equation has k unknown parameters under grouped and censored data. 第三章我们在分组数据场合下解决了k个应力下加速寿命方程有k个未知参数的指数分布步加试验的最优设计问题,并验证了该最优设计的唯一性;
The contents consist of numerical solution of Likelihood equation, numerical maximum value of Likelihood function or logarithm Likelihood function and numerical calculate for MLE of grouped data. 内容包括对似然方程求数值解、直接对似然函数或对数似然函数求极大值以及分组数据最大似然估计的数值计算。
Will already certain function of data packet reset standard, grouped data respectively with the various fractures stability evaluation standard data consistency inspection, determine the stability of fracture and the standard of appraisal. 将已确定的功能复位标准对数据进行分组,分组后数据分别与各种骨折稳定性评价标准进行数据的一致性检验,确定骨折稳定性的评价标准。
Grouped and data processing by measured data, summarizing the various factors that may affect the quality of the corrugated aluminum foil forming. 通过对测量得到数据进行分组与数据处理,总结归纳出可能影响波纹铝箔成形质量的各种因素。
At present, there is no evaluation method of grouped data based on clinical boundary value with regarding to centrality. 3. 目前尚无分类资料基于临床界值考虑中心效应的评价方法。